Aria Again

Started by Joanne, May 22, 2012, 03:52:53 AM

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It's been a hard few weeks.  Mondays seem to be Aria's day for Emergency Vet care.  Last week we took her in for soft stool/blood and she has been on antibiotics and "stop it" meds.  The week before it was the failed spay attempt.

Yesterday she began moving very slowly, unlike her.  No limping, just an uneven gait.  One of the others ran into her and she tumbled.  I medacamed her and called Matt this morning.  We got her in first thing and they did xrays.  Her back was S shaped, but showed no disc or spine damage in the bones.  He did an adjustment and now she is on pain meds and medacam.  Tonight she went to get up and screamed...the first time since this whole thing started.  I also came unglued, rushed to her, straightened her and stood her up as she wanted.  It was horrible.  She is stoic and you know her pain was bad.  She is doped up now and sleeping.  She has eaten...thank god.  And she has pooed and peed.

Please keep her in your thoughts.  I am calling Matt tomorrow first thing.
CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA


Hi Joanne,

I'm sorry to read Aria's latest news.

I will send you lots of positive thoughts from over the pond for better news today.

Annee and Prunella x



Poor Aria. Something certainly sounds not right with her. Let us know what you find out. 
Best...keep thinking positive.
gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


Hi Joanne,
Has she had any bones recently, my Paige's tummy is VERY sensitive.  After having a chicken carcass for dinner recently she had diar-rear with blood in it - projectile.   Slippery Elm and Fasting, followed 48 hours later by a little well cooked white potato mixed with roast chicken mixed through did the trick.
Do you have a good canine chiropractor near by that could have a look at her back?

Angela (AIHA & Addison's)
NSW Australia

Penel CIMDA moderator

oh dear poor Aria, it sounds like she's hurt her back Joanne.  Sending lots of love - let us know what Matt says.
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


Yesterday was really trying:  ARia couldn't get up in the morning, backend and legs wouldn't work and she cried when she tried.  So I lifted her and took her out.  Then she wouldn't move, wouldn't do duties.  We came in and I called Matt's office immediately.  When they got in they called back and said get her in now...about a half hour drive.  They were waiting for us.  He looked at her and decided, like we had, that she was worse.  Lymph node in right hind leg had thickened from the day before so he did an aspirate of it and did a full blood panel.  We are trying to determine if we are dealing with more than a muscle/skeletal trauma...something like cancer or organ damage.  He also did an acupuncture on her and started her on an herb which deals with blood and bruising as well as the pain meds.  We brought her home and she rested all day.  I tried to get her to move every 4 or 5 hours so she wouldn't lock up so much.  Finally, got her to do duties and she happily ate.  She also had fluids at the vet's cause she isn't drinking.  Last night, Matt called and said basically we have good news:  the lymph node didn't show any horrid cells and blood work was good other than the PCV which had gone down to 37.  He is really keeping an eye on that since she's an AIHA kid.  We go back for another blood test on Thurs.

This morning I got her up...she had not moved all night, wouldn't drink, didn't pee.  She cried, but less than yesterday.  She did duties and I feed her, covered her kibble with lots of water.  I think she is a bit better today.

I am trying to hold it together....Marty is a tremendous help!  He stays more centered than I do.  Two days of emergency visits to the vet are overwhelming to me.  Thankfully Matt is there for us and is superb.

Thanks for EVERYthing!

CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA


 joanne thoughts & prayers  being  sent your way.I'm looking right now at the card you sent at Christmas  with Cee & Aria playing tug of war  with their toy.
Everything X it is only trauma,James was similar & spent several days at my vet surgery/hospital  a few yrs back when he was attacked  by a Grt Dane, we thought initially he had sustained  a spinal  injury.


Hi Joanne

I'm so sorry to hear about your dear Aria. I wonder if this is what has been brewing over the last couple of weeks.

  Have they no idea what is wrong?  Have they thought about SRMA or a polyarthritis or myositis?  The other thing that comes to mind is pancreatitis.

I do hope you have better news tomorrow and that she is more comfortable.  Thinking of you and praying she will feel much better soon.



So sorry this poor little girl is in such obvious discomfort Joanne

If it is pancreatitis you may have some indication from the blood work; Amaylase & Lipase numbers.

Continued prayers & healing on the way

Angela (AIHA & Addison's)
NSW Australia


Hi Joanne.  Just thinking of Aria and wondering how she is doing?



Hello All,

It is May 25th and today I am basically relieved.  Aria was seen by Matt again yesterday and despite some improvement she was still in bad shape....sore back legs, difficulty getting up and down, moving a bit better once she got going.  He and I went over all the info. we had and put a timeline of her problems together.  We decided that we saw a downturn after the spay day (which he called off because he didn't like what he was seeing after giving pre-anesthetic for surgery).  The next week she had bloody stool and then this last week she was unable to move.  I remembered remarking to Marty that I didn't like the way she was moving before she was rolled by one of the other dogs out in the yard. 

After lymph node aspirate, CBC full panel, xrays, and several exams, we were able to discount any organ failure, most cancer, and bone problems.  He treated for muscular probs but she didn't seem to get lots better, just some relief.  Yesterday, we both decided that she has AI Polyarthritis which was probably triggered by stress from surgery prep and maybe anesthetic.  I refused joint taps for her and Matt agreed.  She began pred. last night and this morning there was a remarkable improvement!!!  She took the stairs to our second floor by herself and happily!  She hasn't done that all week.  So, even without the taps, I think we are treating appropriately.  She's getting massive doses of the pred thru tomorrow and then the tapering begins.

I'm sad to know she has been struck again with another AI problem (previously AIHA) but glad to know we have found out the problem.  I have the most amazing vet.  I can't tell you what trust I put in this man to work with me and problem solve for my animals.  He spent well over an hour yesterday with us...talked through the issues, did an acupuncture, gave her fluids, took more blood for a PCV, and said he would call me today, his day-off!  I have told him not to do that call, that we would be OK, but I know he will anyway.  We should all have vets who are so caring, talented, committed.  To Matt, thank you for everything you do for us!

I suppose this post should go in a different area, but I'm not sure where...Penel, can you help?

Thanks for listening....and caring,
CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA


I'm so sorry too Joanne but at least she has you - I know you could do without the stress - and also you have dealt with this before and your vet is wonderful.  I'm so glad she is feeling much better.  It is quite incredible how the condition responds to pred.  Looking forward to reading that she is much better every day.


Penel CIMDA moderator

Hi Joanne,
I've moved the whole thread to the right section for IMPA.
I can't quite believe this has happened though, poor you, and poor Aria, what a nightmare.  Great though that she is responding so well to the meds.  I remember how fast Saffy responded to pred each time she relapsed - and her relapses always began with shifting lameness and back pain  :(
I hope you have a restful weekend x
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


Well done Matt and you, Joanne!

Angela (AIHA & Addison's)
NSW Australia


Hello, my friends,

Today is Saturday, the 26th and Aria is continuing the massive doses of pred....40 a day....through today.  Next we cut that dosage down to half.  She immediately responded to the pred!  It was like seeing a totally different dog from the day before.  She came up the stairs to our second level on her own and with a smooth gait.  She had been unable to do that for a week.  The huge doses of pred. are causing her to urinate every 2-3 hours and so we do frequent outside visits.  I am still floating her kibble with water as she has not been well hydrated, but this morning she took a big drink on her own so I know the pred. is working.  She is still eating with relish!  That never changed throughout this whole ordeal.

Besides the pred, she is on Pepcid twice a day and Yunnan Baiyao capsules for blood strength.  I am easing off the pain meds (Tramadol) today as she seems so much better. 

There is no doubt that we are dealing with AI Polyarthritis!  Thank goodness I didn't permit joint taps to ensure the diagnosis.  In this case there was no need to put Aria through more trauma.

Thanks for all the good help, everyone. 
CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA