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Dry ears

Started by Whippets Rule, September 17, 2015, 07:47:56 PM

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Whippets Rule

Wasn't sure where to put this question.

Does anyone have any experience with their dog having very dry flaky edges to their ears? Merlin has developed ragged, moth eaten looking ears. All around the perimeter of his ears there is flaky dry skin and tiny tufts of hair missing. This has been present for a while just on the tips and I just figured it was dry skin but tonight his ears look quite moth eaten. They don't itch and inside his ears look nice and clean. It's just the edges of the ear flaps.



Have you found a solution to this? Bella's ears are the same. They're not bothering her at all, no itching but the edges look terrible, very dry and one little crack that has a scan on it.

Can I use E45 cream or maybe Aloe Vera gel on them safely?




Unfortunately when a dog is immunosuppressed this sort of crusting is not that unusual and is often as a result of a bacterial, parasitic or yeast problem.

In a normal dog bacteria/yeast/parasitic infection or infestation is kept in check by the immune system.  Immunocompromised dogs don't have the ability to do this. 

A visual inspection, swab culture or skin scrape may be necessary to identify the cause and then it can be treated appropriately - usually with topical treatment.

Some dogs with hypothyroidism can have crusty ear perimeters so that is also something to consider, but if a dog is on steroids it is more likely to be due to its weakened immune system.

When the steroids are greatly reduced or stopped the immune system will return to normal function, but it is likely that the cause will have to be identified and treated otherwise it can get worse.


Whippets Rule

Thank you. I suspect in Merlins case m ost of his issues are steroid related. His flanks are bald now and his fur on his neck and sides of his head is quite thin too.


Sounds pretty typical and is to be expected.  It will resolve when the steroids are weaned down to a low dose.
