Side effects of large doses of Florinef

Started by patp, October 23, 2013, 06:57:41 PM

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Quote from: patp on December 10, 2013, 06:44:13 PM
I have to say we have been here before so I am not getting too excited but I assume she could not get this balanced if there was any other endocrine (thyroid?) problem going on?

Hi Pat

I would assume if she stabilises then there is no underlying problem.  Only time will tell but so far so good.



Little update.

Willow is still on the same regime and doing really well. Her last lytes came back spot on so I think it safe to assume there is no underlying condition. The vet has decided to leave well alone for now. That means not reducing the Florinef or removing the Mirtazapine or Hydrocortisone. Not sure how I feel about that. I would like Willow to stay on the Mirtazapine as it has made a huge difference to her. The vet knows that we are going through a house move (big time - we are selling up to go travelling in our motorhome) and that Willow leads a very active (hare chasing!) kind of life.
On the last note, hare chasing, it does not seem to have a bad effect on her. We keep her on lead mostly but it is not fair to never let her have a run, in a safe place, and she will, sometimes, put a hare up and chase it to exhaustion. She just bounces back. I am surprised but delighted (not for the hare of course) that she copes so well with this stress.


Hi Pat

Willow sounds good and as long as her medication is correct then she should be able to lead an active life.  If something is working well then don't alter a thing.  Good luck with your new travelling life.



I have the numbers for Willow's electrolyte check now -

Na 148  (139 - 154)
K  5.1    (3.6 - 5.6)
Cl  108   (102 -122)

She is still well though not eating as well as she was. Hope the Mirtazapine does not lose its effectiveness :( She has had several long runs after wildlife and it caused a dry cough. The vet has advised she stay on lead around wildlife. We try to take her to the beach whenever we can for a good run.


Hi Pat

When you think of how poorly Willow was and how much better she is, you have to be pleased with these results. What did the specialist say about these results?   I wonder if the ratio was a tad higher if she might have a better appetite?  Are you keeping the Florinef at the same dose?

She sounds a pickle!

Good news.



Oh I am so pleased! The Mirtazapine has had the biggest effect. She enjoys life now and does eat just enough to look in good bodily condition so that is better than the skinny Minnie she was lol!

Sadly the specialist has shown no interest in Willow since the insurance ran out. At least that is the case when I try to contact him. I might try getting my vet to update him. I must admit to being a little wary of involving him as his plan is to reduce Willow right down to just Florinef and then reduce that back to 2.5 tablets twice daily (she is currently on 3 twice daily). As we have been down the "reduction of meds" road so often it scares me to go there again.
Once our house move is over I may investigate further.


I must be honest Pat, I was thinking perhaps they would slightly increase the Florinef in an attempt to lower the potassium.  There is a lot to be said to leave well enough alone when they are finally, reasonably well and enjoying life.

It's a disgrace that the specialist isn't interested anymore.  It wouldn't hurt for him to take a phone call occasionally.
