
Started by christina, April 04, 2013, 11:55:34 PM

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Penel CIMDA moderator

Please let us know how Holly is getting on Christina, thinking of you.
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


Good wishes for HollY and I hope she can have good quality of life despite her illnesses.
HUgs from Egypt
Elisabeth with Celia


Hello Jo penel and elisabeth
Thank you for thinking of holly and i
Poor holly
She coPed with raisin incident but was gagging particularly at night and had a fever again
So more antibiotics
But fever got higher and when took of antibiotics her fever much worse and clicking of throat gagging at night ,then diarreah colitis blood in poo
On antepsin slippery elm probiotic prebiotic but needs flagyl for colitis
As soon as took her of flagyl colitis bad and then she started coughing badly
I had no credit on phone to email!!
I was so distressed 4 hours hacking cough
Same cough ad she had beggining year before fever and many months antibiotics
Vet said kennel cough but I felt that it the same underlying problems shes had since start year
Then because still coughing vet said maybe start heart failing as severe mitral valve heart disease
So last week holly went for a heart scan
Good news is though substantial heart disease she not in heart failure yet
Bad news is
Her lungs were cloudy on x ray
And vet said on order to properly see whats going on we would need to anaethsetize holly to have a good look
And dont want to as she leaking out of both atriums and sedation dangerous
We are fifth day into ceporex antibiotics for cough and lung infection and fever
Flagyl antibiotics for colitis
Corvental to open up lung airways
Pred still 5 mg a day
Antepsin twice a day
Go back Tuesday
But im worried sick as shes still coughing
Though antibiotics take edge off
At first she,was in pAin with all the meds her lil tummy popping like a firework display
But shes better now
Could immune mediated disease cause lung problems?
Problem is her heart and not being able to anaethetize
She is,such a lovely girl so sunny in nature a happy springer spaniel despite her bad health
We have fought a year and a half for her to live
Poor girl not even 3 yet
But at night she does moan
Lies bottom bed gags and moans and sounds like bringing up fluid
O think this cough the very same thing she had at start o year and has never went away
But the fact that she is,still coughing and heart speeding and breathless even when on all these drugs
Oh its not good :-(


Hi Christina,

So sorry to hear Holly isn't well yet. Some of us are destined to care for sick dogs. I know it seemed like that to me when Lola was still with me. I would see people with well dogs all over and wonder why my dog had to be sick all the time. You are doing the best you can with her and she has lived because of you. We can't save them forever though. I wish I had some advice but it seems you are doing everything you can. Once her lungs clear up maybe things will be looking up again.

Hugs to you and Holly.
gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


Thanks gail
How are you doing ?
Yes I am envious in a way when people have healthy animals!
As nursed my cat with kidney disease and colitis for 12 years
Then last 7 months heart disease n cancer
And after she died at 19 ,i was alone 3 months and bought holly at 18 months old trusting she was well
A month later realised at vet check up that the previous owners duped me
Shes had serious heart disease from birth
Two months later she colapsed immune mediated disease
Phew and my god gail shes a gorgeous lil girl such a beautiful nature
It breaks your heart them.being ill
But im doing my best
Oh how I wish we could make it all ok for those we love so dearly !:-(


hello Gail

Gosh how true your words are about destiny and dogs health !!!!

Every one of the dogs we have had have come to us with some sort of problem.   Sometimes it has been behaviour problems that we have had to put right....problems through no fault of the dog but caused by poor socialisation/training and ground rules.   We got there in the end and really found it rewarding. (That particular dog had three homes before we had him).

Then we had a succession of dogs with health problems.   We lost one at 7 to Cancer which broke my heart - then we had another with an ongoing problem of Colitis and of course we now have Harley who is a little fighter and I am praying that we can make him better.

I've never regarded myself as being overly religious but I do pray a lot for the health of my and others' dogs and I firmly believe that they are being looked after as much as is possible.
like you have said, my Sister firmly believes that there is a reason why some people have these problems.......reasons why they come to homes that love our dogs so very much and will do what ever it takes to give them a chance.

Oh I have often sat and thought "why me".....wondered why I always get these problems and ask what I have done to deserve so much heartache but when I stop and think about it......not only do our dogs get the benefit from having all the love they need but we also are a very privileged group too.......we gain so much from our experiences don't we and a special relationship exists between us and our lovely dogs who are so dependent on us.
I wouldn't swap my lot if truth be know and I am sure none of us would...would we?

My wish, if I could have one come true, would be to make all our poorly dogs better.



Quote from: christina on September 07, 2013, 12:23:02 PM
At first she,was in pAin with all the meds her lil tummy popping like a firework display
But shes better now
Could immune mediated disease cause lung problems?
Problem is her heart and not being able to anaethetize
She is,such a lovely girl so sunny in nature a happy springer spaniel despite her bad health
We have fought a year and a half for her to live
Poor girl not even 3 yet
But at night she does moan
Lies bottom bed gags and moans and sounds like bringing up fluid
O think this cough the very same thing she had at start o year and has never went away
But the fact that she is,still coughing and heart speeding and breathless even when on all these drugs
Oh its not good :-(

Hi Christina

Poor Holly.  IM disease can affect the lungs and the throat muscles.  Has your vet considered mega Oesophagus.  Does she have trouble keeping her food down?  If so you could try feeding her on a high stool or step.  Sometimes a steamy (bath)room can clear congestion from the lungs and throat but please ask your vet about this first.

I do hope she improves very soon.



Yes I agree that maybe just maybe our animals who are sick are meant to be with us to get our love and us to get their love
But its so utterly stressful and heartbraking,an emotional rollercoaster
Still I dont regret having holly or my karma cat that I had
I adored karma
I adore holly
And I love her so so much
Shes,hard work
But shes also an angel


Thanks Jo
Holly coughing quite a bit tonight despite being on strong meds 5 days now
I am worried sick
I will ask vet regards immune disease causing this and mega oesophagus
I have a feeling the steamy hot bathroom be bad for her heart disease but I could be wrong
Yes I feed her on a special platform so she doesnt bend her head
Oh I hope so too that she can get help for this

Sarah and Benny

I hope Holly gets well soon, a flipping stressful time for all with poorly babies.

Here's to all making a speedy recovery.

Sarah and Benny x


Thank you Sarah and benny
Are you on the forum with benny your ill dog?x


Hi there
We were at the vet last week and her temperature had gone down with the antibiotics
However I said the corvental d not agreeing with holly and vet took her off both meds
Kept her on flagyl for colitis
And doxycycline for infection
That night she had throat spasms and she hadnt done that since got immune disease last year
After 3  on these meds and antepsin and pred 5 mg
She improved especialy at night not as much gagging ,licking
Hardly any coughing
But then 2 nights ago she seemed to feel really sick
Went vet yesterday
Vet last week was saying that it could be part of immune problems
Yesterdays I ask vet to take off antepsin and put on ranitidine
She said they not liscenced for her problems to give her ranitidine
But gave cimetidine half tablet twice a day
Kept her on doxycycline antibiotic
And pred5 mg ( cant reduce it she gets ill)
Took her off flagyl
Well I gave her cimetidine last night ,and she looked terrible glazed eyes stressed. Face
So I immediately gave her some food with it
She was still moaning and gagging in the night
But not gagging as much as on antepsin
Gave with food this morning
But problem is she has colitis
The flagyl isnt working as well as it used to but she seems to need it daily
Vet has taken her off it saying its an antibiotic she cant have it daily
But recently within 3 days of stopping it she begins to deteriate
Then the moaning pain mucus even blood in poo
The colitis started when she got immune mediated disease
So I came home from vet yesterday and cried for a good while
Poor holly back at vet every week
She cries on bus hates it,50 mins there n back
Its stressful
And if flagyl not a solution
What is?
The other bowel medication I think is contra indicated with pred so she cant have that
I asked vet couldnt she have a lower dose of flagyl daily
She said no
Doesnt work like that
But I have looked at the net and some dogs with colitis NEED to stay on flagyl every day for years


Of course I trust and like my vets and am profoundly grateful they saved her life last year
I know different vets have different opinions re medication
And I do know my vets obviously want to see if holly coPes without the flagyl
But in the last few months every time flagyl is stopped she deteriates
To me it's stressful knowing she is going to get worse
I have to watch this
And then she has to get it again
On top of this it isnt working as effectively as it was
She is on probiotic prebiotic tree barks powder oatbran mixed with food
Natural yogurt a tiny bit physillium husk fish oils
Homeopathy for digestion and suport
Has a diet for sensitive tummies
Im doing everything that I can within my capabilities financially
In fact it cripples me financially but I still will put her first before everything else
Shes my girl!!!
She is,still coughing a little but not much. X

Sarah and Benny

Bless you, i feel your pain Cristina. I feel stressed for you just by reading your posts. I wish you all the luck in the world for a speedy recovery.
Come on Holly, rooting for you precious.



Hi Christina

I'm so sorry Holly is back at the vets again.  Flagyl cannot be given for prolonged periods because it can start to induce neurological problems (although these are usually reversable when the drug is stopped), so it is best if you can find an alternative and only use Flagyl when necessary.  It is a good drug but you can't use it on a daily basis.  Slipery elm is good, or you could ask your vet if a drug called Lomotil would help Holly.

I once had a dog with colitis and I changed her diet to include lots of vegetables and the change in her was amazing.  She nautrally wanted to eat veggies so it wasn't a problem and it really did help.  I'm not saying this is the answer to Holly's problems but it might be worth a try.

Good luck
