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Walter pred reduction

Started by Walcop, November 30, 2012, 09:47:54 PM

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Hello all,

Can I politely start off by saying as much as I hear that Walter should not be on any preds (something I personally believe myself) I also hear at the same time that some dogs require ongoing preds. The following will make sense of why I start with saying that  :)

Now these are frustrating times.......after the recent documented episodes with Walter, he appear to now be free of infections thank god. I have tried numerous times over the years to reduce Walters preds and each time doing it carefully, and each time ending with Walter becoming unwell, sleeping more, going off his food and eventually having symptoms looking like colitis going on for days, feed  witheld for obvious reasons, then preds increased and he comes back to normal.

Unfortunately this time was no different, I got Walter down to 0.5mg preds per day for two weeks, and the exact same thing gradually happened again. Just starting to reintroduce food (chicken only)for the second time this week and so far so good. Preds increased back to recommended therapeutic dosage of preds for his weight.......I could burst with the frustration.

Any advice or comments are appreciated.

Any thoughts on hydrocortisone as a pred replacement?

From experience I have also not involved my vets in recent activities/incidents as they would have solely treated or advised to treat Walter for diarrhoea or Colitis. Which I can do for myself.


Walter - Bearded Collie, Addison's.


Hello all,

I managed to sort out Walter's colitis thank god. I am now reducing his preds again but will stop at around 2mg per day until I at least receive any helpful advice from yourselves regarding the above  :)

Walter - Bearded Collie, Addison's.


Hi Stevwe

I do wonder if Walter has an allergy which causes his colitis and by giving him daily pred it just keeps it under control - just a thought?  Have you tried changing his diet to something that is suited to a senstitive tummy or even have an allergy blood test - you may want to do some reseach on the product Sensitest.

It is more common for prednisolone to be used as a replacement cortisol therapy for dogs, but in humans with Addisons hydrocortisone is used a lot but some humans do prefer prednisolone.  I think it is very much up to the individual.  Hydrocortisone is identical to the natural form of cortisol, whereas prednisolone is a synthetic product.  However, the duration of action of hydrocortisone is much less than prednisolone 8-12 hours as opposed to 12-36 hours for prednisolone.  Personally I don't see the benefit of changing him to prednisolone but you and your vet can have a chat about it.  He is on a lot of Florinef which should provide adequate replacement glucortocoid and he really shouldn't need any supplementation unless he is stressed.

I'm glad for you that he has got over this last bout of colitis.  It's not  nice, especially when a dog has hairy trousers!



Hi Jo,

Thanks for your reply.

I have tried various different feeds over the years and anything with grain/cereal/rice seems to give Walter the squits. He is currently being fed James Well beloved Lamb and vegetable (grain/cereal free) and it seems to suit him with what comes ou the other end being as good as you could want.

I have had the thought of allergies years back and came to the conclusion one of them must be grain/cereal. I may be inclined like you to think that he may have another allergy being masked by preds. However with Walters colitis coming on the extreme end of pred reduction after developing other symptoms in order of sleeping/resting more/less energy, then going off food eventually leading to colitis (I can read it like a book now) I am inclined to think that he may be one of those dogs that folk say needs much as I don't want him on preds I can't ignore the same exact symptoms which occur every time I lower his preds so much. Coupled with the information I receive about some dogs requiring preds I am beginning to think he may indeed fall into that bracket......but not totally convinced.

I will try yet again one more time of reducing his preds and see where that goes. I will give the allergy test some serious thought.

Btw out of experience as soon as the colitis kicked in I had Walter tailored for a new pair of trousers :) a neat trim in the rear area and top of legs saves a lot of time and effort afterwards.

I hope all is well with you :)

Walter - Bearded Collie, Addison's.

Penel CIMDA moderator

Hi Steve,
if it works and he's ok, then leave him on the pred.  As you say he might just be one of those dogs that for some reason needs it.
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


Hello all,

Firstly I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year.........only another 51 weeks til we can no longer evn look at a turkey anymore  :D

I have Walter back down to 2 mg of preds a day, all is looking good ( no surprises there on that amount). lowering it more is when I generally start to see problems. However as previously stated I do not want him on preds so will try getting him onto an every others day dose.

Can anyone recommend the best way to do this from where we are at with the 2mg. Straight onto skipping one day? Cutting down the second day dose gradually?


Walter - Bearded Collie, Addison's.


Hi Steve

It is such a small amount you should be able to go straight to 2mg EOD.  If you feel that isn't working then you could go 2mg/1mg/2mg/1mg etc., then you could drop the 1mg a day.  There isn't a wrong way when the dose is so low.

Best wishes
