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OT Rosie's Birthday

Started by Joanne, October 31, 2012, 07:04:03 PM

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Hi All,

It is good to talk about our old girl, Rosie, who does not have AI disease!  She will be 15 tomorrow and is doing reasonably well!  Her backend is weak and she has slowed down, sleeps alot now, but she still barks at the others and let's them know she is around.  I just wanted all of you to know about her as Cee and Aria, our AI girls, have gotten lots of space here at CIMDA.  They are doing OK, too.  AR will go in tomorrow for a pred. adjustment with Matt, but she seems fine on her 5 EOD. 

Life is good at Birchbark today!  Thanks for listening about Rosie...her brother was PTS two weeks ago and this definitely brought home our limited time together with Rose.

Hoping goodness for all the CIMDA dogs and their people,


CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA


 This is  a grand age Joanne,I am sure you will celebrate her special birthday in some style at Birchbank  together with your AI girls...... ENJOY.

Each day is so very special  with our oldies.

I  have never had one myself go beyond 13,although  2 Affis that I bred  made 16.


love Sylvia & the Affis UK.

Penel CIMDA moderator

Happy Birthday to lovely Rosie - any photos Joanne? we do like to see photos too please!
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


The oldies are so precious Joanne.  They have a very special charm.  Happy Birthday Rosie!  It is good to hear that Aria and the others are doing well too.  Hope you and Marty can say the same.



Happy Birthday to Rosie! I'm happy to hear all your charges are doing well.
gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


Happy Birthday Rosie!!!!

Chris & the Golden Boys xx
Qui me amat, amat canem meum


Happy Birthday Rosie!
I am joined by my almost 14 year old Beagle Justin, a wonderful, very stubborn boy, who has never had any health issues, Ike, my 10 year old Beagle Swiss shepherd mix, who is his best friend and my Little One, thats what we call her because she has never grown more than the size of a 3 months old beagle,who is 8 and in perfect health!
Many happy returns,Rosie!