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Penel's Lola - english setter

Started by Penel CIMDA moderator, September 25, 2012, 07:02:26 PM

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Penel CIMDA moderator

It's not AI related but since we have this General Doggy chat section I think it's ok to share here.
tis a long story but Lola got sick on the last day of our holiday 10 days ago - and after 3 very stressful days at our own vets with a high temp not responding to drip / meds  - we took her to a specialists - the one I used to take Saffy to.
They operated on Weds, and found an ulcerated hole in between her large and small intestine - at the point of the ileocecal valve.  They removed an area of both intestines, the valve and also the cecum (appendix). 
The results came back today that there was a tumour which had caused the ulcerated hole.
It's a very slow growing type of cancer, and they got a good margin around the tumour - so they think they got it all out.  The prognosis is the best it can be really.
Lola is 9 and a half and has always had various health and allergy related issues.
She's been home with us since Friday evening - we went back to the vets twice each day over the weekend for them to check her, and again today and they are all v pleased with her progress - we are so lucky we have had a great team working with us to help save her.
Jo and I both have had very good experiences with the Internal Medicine specialist who saw Lola - and the surgeon who did the 3 hr op did an amazing job.
I'm hoping that she will be with us for a few years yet - but you never know what's going to happen do you.
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


Oh, that sounds like a pretty rare kind of illness. So good that you had people to take care of it. I hope she fully recovers and can spend lots more years with you! My Lola is almost 9 1/2 too.

Best to you and Lola...
gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


So sorry to hear that you and your Lola have had such a tough time. Atleast they've managed to get good margins on the tumour. It must have been a scary time. Coop sends wags to Lola and get well woofs.


Hi penel, so sorry to hear you had a hard time but hoping your lola will recover quickly and stay healthy for a long time.. I havent been around the forum much lately because i had problems with the log in with an insert popping up telling me to report to the administrator, the internet is extremely slow on the cimda page and i hope it was only a temporary problem. All the best to you and your fur babies elisabeth


Dear Penel,

I have just checked in and found your message about Lola.  Know that we, in Oregon, are thinking of you both and sending massive doses of white light.  It is always such a relief to know that the vets you have are the best and are working with you.  Now take a breath, step back, and enjoy this precious girl.

Love and best to you,
CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA

Penel CIMDA moderator

Thanks everyone, we really appreciate your best wishes.
Lola is feeling a bit better now, we're 9 days on from the surgery. 
Here's a little video I took this morning
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


She looks happy! Is she asking for permission to stay in bed? My Lola has lots of days now where she doesn't want to get up. But today she was ready and happy to bounce out of bed. Sometimes I really don't get it with her. But I am happy for every day I have with her.

Give your Lola a smooch from me, she is so cute.
gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


Oh Penel, she looks lovely.  What a dotty dog in more ways than one!

I'm so pleased to see her wagging her tail, although it looks totally involuntary. It is hard to believe she was so ill and has had such a major op'.  She is quite incredible.



Awww, she's adorable! I'm so glad she's feeling a bit better, paws all crossed here

Sending big hugs from
Chris & the Golden Boys
Qui me amat, amat canem meum


So glad Lola is improving. Keep it up Lola!


what a sweet girl she is, penel....head up high and she will get better soon, all good wished from stella and elisabeth

Penel CIMDA moderator

Thanks everyone.
I think she's got a Vit B12 deficiency.  I've been reading about the removal of the terminal ileum (end of the short intestine) in people, and the ileocecal valve, and most people have Vit B12 injections after this kind of operation - something I'm going to discuss with the vets on Monday.  She's just a bit pale for my liking - not all the time - but some of the time, and she really is so tired all the time - possibly normal for only 10 days after such a huge op - but I'm just going to be sure everything's covered.
(SLE, Surrey - UK)
Forum Owner


Hi Penel,

I think the B12 is a good point to follow up on. It could certainly account for her being anaemic. I'm sure such a big op could certainly tire her out. Glad she's improving, it must have been a really difficult time for you and her.


What sweetness Lola is, Penel.  Such a brave lass....the best ones are, aren't they?  Wishing you both health and happiness.

CeeCee, Evans Syndrome, Polyarthritis, ACL Repairs
Aria, IMHA/AIHA, Polyarthritis
Dizzy, kidney issues
Oregon, USA


 oh Penel so sorry to come in & read abt Lola , (been having  interenet connection issues)
I remember LOLA from when you brought her to an examption show in Surrey so many yrs ago.How time flies.
I am pleased to hear that she has come around so well following such major surgery & everytrhing X that she continues to be her happy  self for  a few more yrs to come. In my thoughts & prayers.
The  yrs pass all too quickly for these  lovely dogs.

MY JAMES is 10 next month & he too is now showing some health issues but we keep everything X. TAKE CARE.