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Cooper again

Started by Shannon, August 30, 2012, 04:23:06 PM

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Thanks so much Penel,

I'm very keen to give it a try as the less stressed he is the better. He is a real bossy boots and I wonder if I can help him feel that he does not have to watch over everything constantly, it might alleviate some of the tension I see in him when he is in "hawk eye" mode. 


Quote from: Shannon on September 02, 2012, 06:14:29 AM
He still seems quite depressed this morning although his appetite is good(thanks to the pred, but he likes his food anyway). I just miss his twinkly eyes...

Eating well is a very good sign.  His twinkly eyes will follow.



Cheer up cooper, life is beautiful!
Even if we dont like all the meds we have to take, we have to do it for our moms who are some of the best in the world! When we get better we can meet halfway between Cairo Egypt and South Africa or start dating right now on the intnet, may be this will make you feel better.... Stella


Thank you very much Stella, you brightened up my day. I have started to feel quite a bit better and I hope you are too. I hope you are becoming stronger and that you are starting to enjoy your food. I have just eaten my dinner and it was quite yummy. I think our mom's worry an awful lot about us when we are sick and we are lucky to be loved so very much! We will have to make a plan to meet in the middle when we feel better :) For now we'll have to chat on the internet while we get better... Cooper


Hi cooper, its still early in the morning and my mom has not come yet to let me out in the garden, i am still a bit sleepy anyway with my nose in the open balcony door enjoying the cool morning breeze. She can take her time, I will still nap a bit.. Wish you a lovely day..hope you are fine...stella


Hi Cooper, sorry i havent been able to send you a message for some time because my mom could not access the c imda site but now it seems to be working again. i have been to the vet in the meantime, he is a very nice guy and takes a blood sample from my for leg and i dont even feel a puncture, thats why  i dont bite him as i did with my old vet , he talks to me in a very kind way that makes me very confident and calm and i am not afraid of him.he was very happy with the result saying that my blood has improved a lot, but i have to take my pills for a few more days and then they will be reduced. my mom is worried because i drink a lot and i am a bit lazy but i will do eveything to get well and to please her.she took me on a beach trip last friday and i enjoyed the fresh air and the walk on the beach. i am not afraid any more of the waves as i was the first time and next time i will even try to get my feet into the water, that i usually do with my drinking water, i love to play with my feet in the water first and then drink mom does nt like that because she wants my water to be clean..but splashing water around the kitchen is so much fun...
how are you doing? i hope you are well and i send you a big hug to south africa...stella


ho shannon.i havent heard from you in a while.i wonder how cooper is doing.i hope he is back to completely normal and has sparkling eyes..hugs from egypt..elisabeth


Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for thinking of Coop and I. He does indeed have his sparkly eyes back again, thank goodness. He is still on pred and is very slowly being weaned off. The heat here seems to make him feel a bit sick somedays and then I start worrying that he's having a relapse, but as soon as it cools down he's back to his normal, naughty self. Both Coop and I are hoping and praying that your heart heals soon. Hugs back to you from South Africa.


Hi Shannon

Return of the sparkly eyes - that is very good news and very welcome too!
