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Suspected adenocarcinoma, advice needed

Started by goldiepower, August 25, 2012, 11:33:07 AM

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Thank you Gail, I will do... we've all got some idea what they are going through!

Chris & the Golden Boys
Qui me amat, amat canem meum


gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa



Thanks Jo. I had an email this morning US time to say they were on their way home with a very subdued Nick. I'm sure he'll be quiet for a few days, it's bound to be painful right now.

Sharon sends a huge "thank you" to everyone who has given them support, they really appreaciate it.

More next week when the histopath results come back...

Chris & the Golden Boys
Qui me amat, amat canem meum


I'm sure poor Nick has an enormous headache :( Hopefully the meds will keep him quiet and comfy.
gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


Chris just been reading through your posts following Nick's surgery.Everything X for it NOT being  malignant but whatever it sounds as if he is in expert hands & the best  is being done for him and this is what we always want for our dogs. This will be nail biting time until that histology  report comes through.
Best wishes
Sylvia & the Affis.


GOOD NEWS!!!! The histopath report says "no evidence of neoplasia" YIPPEE!!!!

I have a couple of pics of him with his shaved muzzle and a very neat scar all the way up, he wasn't impressed with having to wear the "cone of shame"! But all good news and such a relief!!!

Thank you all for your support

Chris & the Golden Boys (and Nick the American honorary member of the gang!)
Qui me amat, amat canem meum


Angela (AIHA & Addison's)
NSW Australia


gail and Lola (SLE, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, chronic undiagnosed nasal congestion) usa


What a relief Chris.  They must be delighted.  Great news!


How lovely to switch on & read such GREAT news abt the histology report.

Sylvia & the affis


Our best wishes for a speedy recovery for nick , elisabeth and stella


I just had a txt with the most dreadful news, Nick died this morning, no more information yet, I can't believe it after the good news and now he's gone. He was 6 years old.  :'(
Qui me amat, amat canem meum


Oh, that is dreadful news Chris.   What a shock after the good news.  Do you think they will try to find out why?

Poor boy!

I'm so sorry.



Life can be so cruel. We get bad news about our beloved dogs, we try to come to terms with it, then we are given hope and it looks as though things are going to be okay after all and we breathe a sigh of relief....only to have it all go horribly bad again. I can never understand why. Sometimes I think it may have been best not to have had the false hope in the first place. I have had this happen a few times to me, with a relative as well as with a couple of my dogs. It all seems so pointless and I do not know what the answer is. The only thing, if possible, is to try and find out why it happened to Nick. There may be a very good reason, perhaps an underlying cause with no cure, which at least would help to give some measure of comfort.