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Mikah's Updates

Started by Jeanna, May 03, 2012, 07:10:16 PM

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This afternoon Mikah was bouncing when Lindzi arrived although she then got tired very quickly, she is far more her usual self now. David is changing her food and adding a few things too to try and increase her weight gain although he said it will have to be done very slowly. Her HCT is up to 28% today but her Creatine & Urea are also up - She has been off fluids for 27 hours now and David said things are as expected with no surprises so far but he is monitoring very closely so as not to let anything rise or fall more than he is expecting. David said that if Mikah manages to stabilise herself fully and comes through all this without chronic kidney damage then she will be the one dog he has learned most from during his time as a vet, she has taught him so much. ;D He said has only met 2 Vizslas before meeting Mikah and both of those he treated for Polymyositis - one was Andrea & Lasse's boy Radio and the other belongs to a Vet nurse at Winchester. He is very impressed with Mikah and her determination to survive against all odds. I think he is beginning to understand our breed and their "never give up" attitude.  ;)


What great news Jeanna,

She really is a little super star isn't she ?

Are they still looking at her possibly being discharged after the weekend ?

I know nothing about Vizslas but feel as though i know Mikah  :)


Hi Annee we have to wait and see what tomorrow's results show as he did say maybe she possibly could go home tomorrow if her results were good and if not then maybe on Monday. I think they are still fluctuating a bit too much so we shall see what tomorrow brings and hopefully everything will stabilise more so she can go home on Monday.


Her story is truly an inspiration to us all and will certainly help new members who come here in desperate need of hope and support.

Incredible little girl  :)


Lindzi said - Mikah was very bright and bouncy today, her head is telling her she is fine but her body is very weak, she is still anemic and her creatinine has increased again but she is off fluids completely!!! So that was expected, Her chances of a full recovery were set at 90% today!!!!!!! Well what a change from the earlier verdict of less than 0.01% chance of a full recovery! Thankyou all again for your support and kind well wishes, hopefully tomorrow will show a reduction in creatinine again xxxxxxxxxx


Total protein. *48g/L Low (54.0 -77.0)
Albumin *25 g/L Low (26.0 - 40.0)
Globulin 23 g/L (22.0 - 52.0)
Sodium. 146 nmo/lL (139 - 154)
Potassium 4.9 nmo/lL (3.5 - 6.0)
Na:K ratio 30 (25.0 - 35.0)
Chloride 105 nmo/lL Low (99 - 125)
Total calcium 2.36 nmo/lL Low (2.0 -3.0)
Phosphate *1.70 nmo/lL High (0.8 - 1.6)
Urea *14.4 nmo/lL High (2.0 - 9.0)
Creatinine *156 umo/lL High (40.0 - 106.0)
Alk phos *74 U/L High (0.0 - 50.0)
ALT 22 U/L (0.0 - 25.0)
AST 2 U/L (0.0 - 49.0)
GLDH 4 U/L (0.0 - 10.0)
Gamma GT 4 U/L. (0.0 - 27.0)
Total bilirubin 2 uno/lL (0.0 - 9.0)
Bile acids. *12 uno/lL High (0.1 - 10.0)
Glucose. *6.4 uno/lL High (2.0 - 5.5)
CK. 153 u/L. (0.0 - 190.0)
Cholesterol *7.6 nmo l/L Low (3.8 - 7.0)
Triglycerides 1.2 nmo l/L (0.45 - 1.9)
Amylase 910 u/L (0.0 - 1800)
Lipase 22 U/L (0.0 - 150)
Magnesium 0.6 nmo l/L (0.70 - 0.98)

RBC *3.85X10^12/L Low (5.0 - 8.5)
Hb *9.4g/do Low (12.0 -18.0)
HCT *28 % Low (37.0 - 55.0)
MCV 73.0 fl (60.0 - 80.0)
MCH 24.5 pg (19.0 - 26.0)
MCHC 33.7 g/do (31.5 - 37.0)
Platelets 338 X10^9/L (160 -500) (See haematologists comment)
WBC 7.5 X10^9/L (6.0 - 15.0)
Neutrophils 3.75 X10^9/L (3.0 -11.5)
Lymphocytes 2.48 X10^9/L (1.0 -4.8)
Monocytes 0.00 X10^9/L (0.0 -1.3)
Eosinophils *1.28 X10^9/L High (0.0 - 1.25
Reticulocyte % 0.9 %
Reticulocytes count 34.65 X10^9/L

Haematologist comment – Platelet count confirmed in film. Slight polychromasia


I think this is such positive news Jeanna. I bet if Mikah is given fluids at regular intervals her urea and creatinine will improve again.

Have attached the up to date spreadsheet. Positive steps on the HCT front which is encouraging now.

More hugs for Mikah and her family.

Pam :)


Angela (AIHA & Addison's)
NSW Australia


Hi Jeanna

Mikah is some dog for sure.  How amazing that she has taught David so much that will benefit others who follow behind her. She deserves to get over this and to have a life of healthy happiness.

Thanks fo the update.