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General Statistics - Clover

Total time spent Online
1 days, 21 hours and 29 minutes
Total Posts
150 posts
Total Topics started
4 topics
Number of Polls created
0 polls
Number of Votes cast
0 votes

Posting activity by Time

  • 14 posts (9%)
    12 am
  • 20 posts (13%)
    1 am
  • 17 posts (11%)
    2 am
  • 13 posts (9%)
    3 am
  • 2 posts (1%)
    4 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    5 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    6 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    7 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    8 am
  • 0 posts (0%)
    9 am
  • 5 posts (3%)
    10 am
  • 14 posts (9%)
    11 am
  • 5 posts (3%)
    12 pm
  • 9 posts (6%)
    1 pm
  • 6 posts (4%)
    2 pm
  • 5 posts (3%)
    3 pm
  • 4 posts (3%)
    4 pm
  • 5 posts (3%)
    5 pm
  • 2 posts (1%)
    6 pm
  • 3 posts (2%)
    7 pm
  • 7 posts (5%)
    8 pm
  • 10 posts (7%)
    9 pm
  • 6 posts (4%)
    10 pm
  • 3 posts (2%)
    11 pm

Most popular Boards by Posts

Tell us a bit about yourself and your dog/s and learn more about the forum.
50 posts of the member's 150 posts (33.33%)
Systemic / Inflammatory (AIHA, IMTP, Evans, SLE, IMPA, SRMA)
46 posts of the member's 150 posts (30.67%)
Auto immune disease in the dog - start here if you aren't sure.
28 posts of the member's 150 posts (18.67%)
Medication, supplements and alternative treatments
13 posts of the member's 150 posts (8.67%)
Endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, Addison's)
9 posts of the member's 150 posts (6.00%)
General doggy chat
2 posts of the member's 150 posts (1.33%)
General chat - absolutely anything goes!
1 posts of the member's 150 posts (0.67%)
Technical questions about the forum
1 posts of the member's 150 posts (0.67%)

Most popular Boards by Activity

Medication, supplements and alternative treatments
13 posts of the board's 535 posts (2.43%)
Systemic / Inflammatory (AIHA, IMTP, Evans, SLE, IMPA, SRMA)
46 posts of the board's 2004 posts (2.30%)
Auto immune disease in the dog - start here if you aren't sure.
28 posts of the board's 1644 posts (1.70%)
Technical questions about the forum
1 posts of the board's 76 posts (1.32%)
Endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, Addison's)
9 posts of the board's 801 posts (1.12%)
Tell us a bit about yourself and your dog/s and learn more about the forum.
50 posts of the board's 4546 posts (1.10%)
General chat - absolutely anything goes!
1 posts of the board's 129 posts (0.78%)
General doggy chat
2 posts of the board's 1032 posts (0.19%)