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Topics - Erica

Vaccination / Core vaccines?
February 12, 2022, 07:58:22 PM
Hi Jo,
I am worried about Elsie not having adequate protection from the diseases that the core vaccines produce. She has only had the two core puppy vaccinations. She did have a leptospirosis shot as well.
We live on a 300 acre farm and keep cattle, winter sheep and I have horses.
The vet seems to think that vaccinating against these diseases outweighs the risk of an immune disease relapse. However, I don
Hi Jo, I am sorry to have to ask for advice but I find myself with differing opinions on steroid dosage. In brief, Elsie was diagnosed with SRMA on 29th September 2021. She had extensive tests and by cause of elimination she was diagnosed with SRMA. She had every test including joint taps but was getting increasingly poorly so I said no to the spinal tap. She was put straight on steroids at 2mg/kg. At that time she weighed 10kg. She didn't do very well on that dose. She had constant diarrhoea, was eating very little and lost a 1kg in weight. She remained on that dose for 9 days. At that point her CRP bloods were normal so the dosage was reduced to 1.5mg/kg/day. (I always split the dose am and pm). She was on 1.5mg/kg/day for 2 weeks then 1mg/kg/day for 2.5 weeks for 3 weeks. She was then on once a day 3mg in total for two weeks. At that point her CRP bloods were normal, she was well in herself, exercising normally, eating etc. Her dose was dropped to 2 mg per day. One week into this regime and I noticed her respiratory rate was increased and she was quiet. However she seemed to settled and the next morning seemed okay and cam for a walk. As the day progressed she started shaking, obviously in discomfort. I took her temp which was normal. I was worried though so took her to the vets who said her temp was a little elevated and they did a general and CRP blood tests. All came back normal. However, the vet was sure the (then mild) symptoms were indicative of a relapse so he said we should treat Elsie with 2mg/kg/day dose for two weeks. She currently weights 12.7kg so I gave her a 12.5mg dose that evening. By morning (today) she was back to normal. I repeated the 12.5mg dose.
We followed the protocol - the two/three week window was within the 10-28 days. She had normal blood tests at every stage.
I'd say she wasn't fully herself for about a month. She wasn't ill, just not ready to exercise etc. very much.
The vet said that the 1.5mg/kg/day is still an immune suppressing dose and not to worry that she only had the high dose for 9 days. She was very poorly.
My questions - why did she relapse? The 10-28 day window is a large one. Did she relapse because we went from 5mg down to 3mg too quickly? Should she have had a higher dose for longer? Is she a whippet that won't manage without steroids ? What protocol should I insist on now, after two weeks on the high dose, providing she tolerates it.
Many thanks for any help. Happy New Year. Erica
Elsie has been on steroids for 9 days now and has lost a lot of weight due to her lack of an appetite and turning her nose up at food. Since Sunday she has had quite bad bouts of diarrhoea. The vet gave me GI Royal Canid puppy food which she ate for one meal but has refused ever since. I mentioned to the vet that maybe something else, other than the steroids, was upsetting her stomach. She said that the treatment is still a bland diet. I am due to see the vet tomorrow with Elsie for CRP test but, to be honest, I am really struggling. :-(
Thanks for your advice so far.
I would like to ask which gastroprotectants seem best tolerated by dogs. I am pretty sure that the omeprazole is causing Elsie nausea and stomach pain. I would like to ask the vet to change it. The vet did mention ranitidine but I see that it has been withdrawn from sale but still available as a pet med. Does the pet med still contains the carcinogen?
Hi - my 8 month whippet pup is not eating very much. She has been diagnosed with SRMA. She has had the steroids for three days now. Thanks.
Hello, I am glad to have found this support forum.  I have had a pretty awful week. Elsie is an 8 month old whippet, usually full of beans, cheeky and fun loving. Ten days ago I noticed that she was couldn't jump up on the sofa or put her paws on my lap. (I have been teaching her 'paws' and 'off', mainly to teach 'off' when she jumps up and it is not wanted). She had been running in the garden with my son's Dachshund and bumped quite hard into a sun lounger so I thought she must have bruised herself. In the morning she still looked uncomfortable so I took her to the vets. The vet couldn't find any signs of pain anywhere but noticed she had a slight temperature so gave her an anti inflammatory injection.
The following evening she was quite unwell, shaking, obviously in discomfort and running a temperature. The vets hospitalised her and put her on fluids. They ran blood tests (all negative) and sent off CRP. I took her home the following day with metacam and paracetamol. For the following two days she was in and out of the vets whilst we were waiting on the CRP. The CRP came back elevated so they suspected auto immune mediated polyarthritis. They ran joint taps, Lyme's test, urinalysis. I waited two more days before they put her on steroids. All the tests were negative so she was diagnosed, I guess, by elimination, of having SRMA.
I am upset it took so long but the vets were adamant not to give her the wrong treatment.
Four hours after the first steroid dose she felt a normal temperature. She has been on the steroids (20mg/day) for 3 days. It was suggested I give her all the steroid in one dose but I have split it morning and evening. She is gradually improving. She is sleeping a lot but I see signs of her old self. She has been given omeprazole for five days.
My main worry at the moment is that she has lost her appetite. She doesn't carry any spare covering and has gone from just over 11kg to 10kg in the past week. I have tried all sorts of things. Will her appetite return as the steroids settle in her system? And secondly, should I ask for more omeprazole. I am anxious her stomach isn't compromised.
I would be really grateful for any suggestions help as I am sick with worry. Kind regards, Erica.