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Topics - christina

Hi there
Its christina and holly.
Remember i posted last year holly got immune mediated disease and was very ill,vet thought suspected lyme/ meningitis may have caused it
Well she survived but had to have regular flagyl for colitis
And still low dose steroid
Now she got kennel cough 4 weeks ago
Got over it
But now,her temoerature 103.5
Doubling steroid to 5 mg ( had lowered a month ago to 2.5)
Back on flagyl
Im very worried shes fevery lethargic whiney just unwell
Vet said if she doesnt improve soon need take bloods
Im worried she got lyme disease afecting her
As could have been that before
Vet said kennel cough could have afected her immune mediated disease
Shes,been through so much already
Is curled up not herself
I purchased my little springer holly on 18 th march this year,believing the couple sold her as had adhd child torturing her n holly was only 18 months old n needed a life.
This was not the case,a month later found my lovely girl,my first dog who I absolutely adore had substantial mitrAl valve heart disease n could go into heart failure at Any time.
So I changed her diet homecooked ,vitamins ,amino acids ,fish oils,etc to try n ward off heart failure as long as could as shes a wonderful wonderful girl.
Two months went buy
Holly was in season a month got infection uterus amoxycillin several times
Then false pregnancy
Coughing more antibiotics ,thought it to do with heart
Lungs,seemed afected
She,was slowing down but thought it heart related
Then 3 and a half weeks ago I woke she was slumped down
Holly was always a wee happy bubbly excitable girl
Rushed vet thinking heart failure
Vet said ate something
Weekend of hell coughing spasms chest fever lethargy
Back vet Monday
Vet said respiratory tract infection
Possible pyometra as swollen inflamed red sore abdomen
Home bbaytril antibiotics
Another two days slumped fever fell
Rushed in Wednesday
Kept overnight
105 temperature
Liver enzymes up but bloods ok
Said maybe lyme disease or memingitis!!
Started treating for lyme
Released holly on five antibiotic a day
Thurs night she bad spasms pain panting ill
Friday blood in poo
Phone vet said let her heal over weekend?
I said she in pain
Rushed vet satrday said I think shes dying on me
Kept her in nine nights
Stared steroids,meningitis two days didnt help
Then went on flagyl n baytril antibiotics
She very sick started gastro protectants cimetidine sfeedin
By now red blood cells platelets very low n anaemia
They say it touch n go whether she survive
I didnt have money for lots expensive exploratories
So still no further forward whst hapening
Heart just coping n no more
Bad pain abdomen xray ultrasound see nothing in abdomen
Say if has pyometra only mms n be treated with antibiotic
Try doxycycline abx two days
Then high dose steroid ,n baytril n.let home but she brighter but pain stomach n anaemia
So cant let walk long be careful not bang herself
She has survived
Asked put back on doxycycline as well as baytril incase its lyme co infections
As needle biopsy spleen said fungus protozoa
Though flagyl anti protozoan tab no help
I live alone
Dealing with this,myself
Nursed my cat with cancer heart disease 7 months. N she died in December
I cannot believe me n holly going through this
Now vet said it could be immune mediated
Lymph nodes enlarged
Spleen enlarged
But he never ruled out meningitis ur lyme either
Symptoms very similar to.them
Shes,brighter on steroids baytril doxy n gastropeotectant
But she has a fever in the night especialy
And whole abdomen swollen sore
Give oats probiotic prebiotic fish oil yogurt
Mix camomile to relax,n nettle tea for iron in food
Feed chickens turkey steak mince potato peas carott rice chick peas n tahini for iron
Shes enjoying food whereas before steroids too ill
Steroids,will damage heart further
But white cell count has improved
Red cell count n anaemia worse
I feeding more meat for iron
She so sore abdomen at night
Damp towel doesnt do much
Thought of rub caster oil on dunno if safe so havent
Anyone experienced dog immune mediated pain abdomen?
What could help?
Vet doesnt know what causing pain!
Could it be the bowels inflamed?
Cant get spayed cause heart even if was well enough
She is,so restricted n I cannot stand her having pAin
Shes only 21 months,old n only together short time
But holly is my girl
Love her very dearly
Any help regard helping pain in her abdomen
Or anaemia n red cell count
Would be very apreciated
Does enlarged spleen cause pain?
Anything I can do to help that?
Any alternative health suggestions?
Thank you for listening
I cudnt get a more lovely little dog
Its breaking my heart what shes going through
C n h xx