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Messages - christina

Is there anyway i can talk to you jo or penel on the phone?x
Hi jo and catherine,
Thanks for your replies.
I have been unwell nearly 2 weeks now with viral gastroentiritis,boy its been very bad,though i still managed to look after holly somehow!
The good news is that hollys hair started to grow again last few days ,it mostly her stomach and sides going bald and her skin went flakey dry despite eve promrose,fish oils.
The masaleb anti bac shampoo has helped thank god!
She is prone to urine infections but rarely seen blood and never mucus before.
It has got better but still smells and she wet the bedroom.carpet a few days ago..any tips on getting rid of the smell,i have scrubbed 3 days now,still smells,esp cos urine infection.
Flagyl we tried to get her off ,she has inflamatory colitis condition and every time take her off flagyl shes very unwell gagging ,bringing up bile ,mucus ,even blood in poo.
She has had this ever since immune collapse ,i think linked to immune problems
She is now on lowest dose one tablet a day and of course the 2.5 mg pred and
I took holly to another vet who thinks its nkt the,steroids causing the fur loss.
Im now washing her in masaleb shampoo but fur still falling out
This vet not sure whether stress,hormones or infection causing it
Will have to see if it improves,and hope not need blood tests and / or skin biopsy
Now she has blood and mucous in urine since yesterday
Havent rushed to vet as shes on oxycare antibiotic and flagyl anyway so hope it improves next few days
Poor holly having tough time of it
Though good news is her elbow is getting stronger and we are hopeful re that,so thats good !x
Thanks polly and jo.
Just noticed hollys 40 quid waterproof matress not waterproof at all.
She peed ( despite gets,out a lot)
And it went through the cover..ugh
Cleaning it up best i can!
See if can salvage it for a little longer.
We need it just now!
Fur falling out,rapidly now ,i was thinking it may be falling out because of a mixture of steroids and cage stress as read that lots of mammals get alopecia when caged
A friend of mine felt trapped in his job and all his,hair fell out
And holly,really struggles with cage situation
Spoke,to vet last night ,she doesnt believe its the cage
She thinks stetoids,are mimicking cushings disease and wanted me to again cut hollys steroid to one every 2 days...2.5 mg every 2nd day
But we only dropped from 5 mg to 2.5 mg 3 weeks,ago and shes been struggling hugely with the bringing up bile..yes doxy finally helped
But she only will get that till next monday
I said im not comfortable dropping pred again until shes out the cage
I want to deal with leg and have her as comfortable as possible while in cage
Though the hair really is coming out and its,a concern
Any views on this?
I dont want to contradict the vets expertize but i feel we are dealing with too many issues at once x
Hi there
Just ti say  :) there is an improvement ,holly has improved on the doxycycline ,still some gagging but she is better !!!!
Now she is losing her fur ,it started falling out quite rapidly all over last few days to the extent that i can see her skin underneath her fur most places,will speak to vet today :-\
Poor holly she goes through the wars!
Thanks jo,
Shes still gagging,still miserable and hyper trying to pull get to garden and wee leg almost buckles im very worried how fragile it still is,only been 3 weeks very careful,wee holly is so NOT careful,
Tis a nightmare trying to protect it..
Hope to god its ok i was worried tonight it seemed very fragile
Only been 3 weeks and she has awful time at night still with bile despite meds,and tree barks powder and probiotics and coconut oil
Day,at a time i guess
Poor wee sad girl that she is
Thanks jo and penel
Unfortunately holly is still gagging ,bringing up bile abd of course she cannot exercise to release pent up feelings,and relax her body so by being cooped up in cage is making it so much worse.
And her intermittent crying and temper tantrums ..shes sad
I put in a wee soft toy mouse and squeak toy and have been hugging her as much as able to soothe her and try relax her.
Im hoping the doxycycline will kick in.
Sounds like the other 2meds instead of pred are very expensive so probably not an option.
I would,need to ask the vet.
Will see how,she gets on next few days
Im.pretty upset as shes upset and unwell  though when we cuddled it did us both good.
I miss her snuggling into my legs at night and her just being beside me.
But to just,get her through this difficult time ,i know i will never be able to let her off lead again which really makes me sad,and will have to limit her jumping and running incase she has stress fatigue and breaks screws and bolts in leg as WE CANNOT GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN
Financially or holly physically or emotionaly and today i watched a springer jumping about and felt sad i will have to restrict her
But..if she,gets through this and she can go 3 walks a day on lead and im strict with her but also give her loads of love..we will both be lucky girls !x
Thanks jo and polly
Had to take holly in energency apointment as she was really unwell in the night
Bringing up bile constantly
And shes really upset
Vet said we cant up the steroid to herusual stabilized dose of 5 mg as it too early re the leg and we need several more healing weeks
But she gave me enteric coated 2.5 mg pred hoping that be gentler on her stomach and 2 weeks doxycycline as it has helped before and her urine very off
It,was awful as she shook and cried all the time at vets
Shes only been like that since her leg was done ..traumatized going to vet now on top of being stuck in a cage
Hope to god these steps help
I never asked re omepazarole
I could if things dont improve
Also the orthapeodic vet said hollys skin very thin n skin tags with steroids and that there are other meds can be used in the stetoids place
Do you know which ones would be suitable for holly ( steroid substitutes which help immune disease as well as inflamatory digestive system).
Feel soo sorry for holly shes really sad its been an awful time for her)
O massaged her last night and tried to talk to her like ahypno therapy person to relax her incase part of it is emotional,but it didnt help :-(
Thanks penel
Yes really hard going re crate rest when holly had go vet to get stitches out she went crazy and jumped front paws onto table at vets
I was upset as it dangerous her doing that re bolts screws but hapoened so fast and shes strong abd frustrated
Worried as hollys sickness in night detetiating again since stetoids halved
And no antepsin available as peoduction problem
And gaviscon makes worse
And zantac not enough
Normally we would up steroid dose again ..but cant as leg needs to heal
Shes moaning bringing up fluid ,clicking noise last night and today her urine smells bad
Her immunity not doing good
And shes getting very stressed re cage which will be exacerbating things
Im massaging herdigestive tract
On hypoallergenic food
On oxycare and flagyl antibiotics usually they help
But its getting worse :-(
Yes jo,
Hollys a sweet heart,
Lovely nature,
And i noticed a tiny improvement today with leg though shes already striggling with being in the cage but shes soo excitable she has to stay in it for 4 weeks for her own safety.
Poor baba!
So glad to see a little improvement however:-)
Thats MY GIRL!!! :-) x
My goodness the only dogs i seen that were being picked up by owners today were springer spaniels with leg operations ..every dog was a springer and every op was a leg.
Poor springers :-(
Thanks jo :-)
Oh yes,very very glad to have her back!
Though she was trying to jump up!
Even with plastic cone on head!
Had to get hire car to go see her,vets faraway the orhapeidic one
And covered it in newspapers bin liners,blanket
Just as well as she did a little stress pee!
Poor holly as when try put paw down still hurts ,water drips from her nose and she makes tiny noise
Vet expects her to put it down within 10 days ,start to,or there is a problem
Hope to god she will
Still need another anaesthetic in 6 week.xray
Day at a time
Well she was good as gold in hospital
And came in here n went in cage as an extention of hospital cage
So im very happy with that
I can go in and pat her in there trying not to rip my jeans
She has a little radio down low,soft light,
Sad she has to wear plastic head gear but she licks n.licks wounds so she has to
Shes,a sad wee girl but also was giving me lots of licks and quite often the wee tail goes and she looks at me and i know shes glad shes home
:-) X
Hi polly
Yes vet said not out of woods yet but shes doing good
Back home tomorrow ,borrowed a cage for a great dane and so its,a large cage have hollys memory foam matress in it and beside it my matress so i can reach my hand to pat her and shes beside me.
Vet said iv to cage her worry how she will cope but has to!!!
Blinding migraine today ,last night acid stomach..the stress takes it out on us doesnt it
Sticking foam round letter box to try muffle noise!!!
As she allways jumps to my defence and gets worked up
Lookin forward to seein holly tommorow
Weird empty house..dont like it
Keep seeing her wee springer face in my minds eye
Aye,what a lassie she is :-) x
Dear jo,
Thanks again to you and everyone else who has been supportive
Yes,im delighted so far how holly is coping
Im also delughted i was able to borrow 2 thousand pounds
Tis been an awful.time ,terrible worry re money but mostly re thinking i couldnt help her or wondering if she would cope.
And shes coping so far which is fantastic news really !!!
Thanks polly!
Well everyone holly is a wee fighter right enough!!!
Vet put her under anaesthetic at another surgery orthapeidic surgeon had borrow a lot od money but this man was very good.
Did catscan..other elbow ok at present although sometimes the other elbow does get afected even though catscan previously showed it normal,but good no fissures.
He then went operated on bad leg
He said  healing more complicated with holly on steroids re immune healing and her having immune disease too
Hes concwrned even with 2-5 mg pred ..would rather she not on it but even dropping it her inflamatory bowel played up popping tummy and gel loose bowels yesterday
He said,80% or 90% chance hollys leg will heal
12 weeks cage reat( borow cage but dont know if she will cope with it)
He said,if leg doesnt heal or complications then i have to be aware re,amputatiob or euthanazia
But theres,a GOOD CHANCE she do ok:-)
Today shes eating!!!
And vet nurse said shes doing great,that i have a gorgeous dog with a lovely nature!:-)
Im very proud of my girl indeed!!!!!!